const Users = require('../users/user.model.js');
const AccessLevel = require('../accessLevels/accessLevel.model.js');
const { DataSource } = require('apollo-datasource');
const firebase = require("../../helpers/firebase");
const { INVALID_INPUT } = require('../../errors/index.js');
* @class
* @classdesc This class contains all the database functions for the users
class UserAPI extends DataSource {
getUsers(args) {
return Users.find(args);
getUserById(id) {
return Users.findById(id);
getUserByUsername(username) {
return Users.findOne({ username });
* Single function which handles both sign up and sign in of a user
* If the user already exists in the database, it simply fetches the existing doucment
* Or else it creates a new document in the users collection, sets the access level object to level1.
* Finally uses the Firebase Admin SDK to update the users JWT. Since the user JWT is updated here,
* after signing up the client has to refresh the token in order to get the updated token from Firebase.
* @param {Object} user user info
* @param {String} uid firebase uid
* @returns {Object} created user object
async authUser(user,uid) {
let incomingUser;
const exisitingUser=await Users.findOne({firebaseUID:uid});
// User document exists(Sign in)
// User document doesnt exist(Sign up)
const newUser = await Users.create({
username: user.username,
gmailAuthMail: user.gmailAuthMail,
instituteId: user.instituteId,
address: user.address,
firebaseUID : uid,
emergencyContact: user.emergencyContact,
displayPicture: user.displayPicture,
const accessLevelObj = {
level: '1',,
user: newUser,
const createdAccessLevel = await AccessLevel.create(accessLevelObj);
await newUser.clubAccess.push(createdAccessLevel);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test") {
incomingUser= await Users.findOne({firebaseUID:uid})
return incomingUser;
* This function updates the current user's document with all the basic info.
* It also handles the NITR verification, i.e. the bump from level 1 to level 2.
* The client is trusted to call this function with the correct institute ID and
* once the institute ID is set for the first time for a user, it cant be updated again.
* @param {Object} args updated user info
* @param {String} uid firebase uid
* @returns {Object} updated user object
async updateUser(args,uid) {
const {user} = args;
let retPromise = {};
const foundUser = await Users.findOne({firebaseUID:uid});
let updatedUser = new Users(foundUser);
updatedUser = Object.assign(updatedUser, user);
updatedUser = new Users(updatedUser);
// let regex=/^(1|2|3|4|5|7)[0-9][0-9]((AR|AS|BM|BT|CH|CE|CR|CS|CY|EC|EI|EE|ER|FP|HS|ID|LS|MA|ME|MN|MM|PA|PH|SM)|(ar|as|bm|bt|ch|ce|cr|cs|cy|ec|ei|ee|er|fp|hs|id|ls|ma|me|mn|mm|pa|ph|sm))[0-9]{4}$/;
if( user.instituteId!==undefined&&foundUser.instituteId===undefined){
// if(regex.test(user.instituteId)==false){
// return new ApolloError("Invalid Institute ID");
// }
// const email=user.instituteId+'';
// Firebase Email Auth provider needs to be checked before updating Level
// Error handling also needs to be done
const accessLevelObj = {
level: '2',,
user: updatedUser,
const createdAccessLevel = await AccessLevel.create(accessLevelObj);
await updatedUser.clubAccess.push(createdAccessLevel);
retPromise = await;
return retPromise;
* Deletes the Current User from the database and also from the FIrebase
* @param {String} uid
* @returns {Object} A success response if the user is deleted successfully.
* @throws Will throw an error if the user with the given uid is not found.
async deleteUser(uid) {
const foundUser = await Users.findOne({ firebaseUID: uid });
if (foundUser === null) {
return {...INVALID_INPUT,message:"User Not Found"};
await Users.deleteOne({ id: foundUser._id })
await AccessLevel.deleteMany({ user: foundUser._id });
if(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test") {
return { success: true };
module.exports = UserAPI;